Ryanbingham,You would think that people as bright as management consultants claim to be would have worked out by now that there is little point in inviting people to interview when its patently obvious that they will fail at the last hurdle on what should have been identified at CV stage. i.e you are not a “fresh” grad and that’s what they want in this instance. However there’s nobody dumber than an MC with “a process to follow”.Think long and hard if you regard this as age discrimination. Frankly you may have a case – the HR manager compared you directly to younger people and used that as a reason for not hiring you. On the other hand it is not discriminatory to suggest that you have been slow to get to the starting gate compared to people of a similar age. In that respect it is not your age that is the issue but your level of directly comparable and relevant experience.It does sound like a pi$$ed off HR Manager having a bad day put their mouth into gear and blamed you for passing two interviews that their own colleagues should probably have used to conclude that you should not be on the grad recruitment track. The comments on generating $1m of new business seem particularly pathetic coming from someone in HR – the department form whom the term “draining, non-productive overhead” seems to have been invented.You might want to write a polite letter directly to the individual accepting the final decision, but pointing out the disappointing waste of everyone’s time. Improve them for the future and maintain your dignity. If revenge is sweeter than dignity, copy in the MD and stir up some $hit. If you have lots of energy to commit to a cause without any documentary evidence, then contact an industrial tribunal. On a more positive note, learn from the experience. Many MC firms are extremely inflexible in their hiring with very prescribed points of hiring. They take fresh grads, experienced MC’s at 2-5 years in, then either industry experts or MC Managers, then SM’s, then Directors etc. MBA grads slot in somewhere to those categories depending on whether they have pre-MBA MC experience or not. Applying to these rigid firms is a waste of time; you need to identify those with a more fluid approach and stick to them. What ever you do, don't be as dumb as the people you are understandably criticising and continue to follow inapproriate processes while hoping for a miracle.Finally, perhaps the lesson is that MC is not for you. There are many things I wish I’d been. I have to accept that for some of them I’ve left it too late (or that going back to them would incur a very, very heavy price). It hasn’t stopped me being happy, free, fulfilled and extremely well paid.Tough love buddy, but Elvis didn't sue the guy who didn't sign him and we all know who ended up looking the fool.