Came across this - thought it might be helpful to others.EO• Employees performing ancillarytasks, as a rule without specific qualificationsor with basic training• Trainees, apprentices• Interns (incl. those having already been employed in that capacity)E1• Employees who have completed a commercial or industrial apprenticeship, with less than 2 years of relevant work experience• Employees performing ancillary functions, who have demonstrated their capabilities over a number of years in Job Grade EOE2• Graduates (university, institute of technology, or university of applied sciences) with little or no relevant work experience (e.g. internships etc.) joining KPMGafter graduation• Employees who have completed vocational education and have at least 2 years of relevant work experienceE3• Graduates with at least 1-2 years' relevant work experience• Employees who have completed vocational education, have several years of relevant work experience and have completed further specialist trainingD1• Employees with university degrees and at least 2-3 years of relevant work experience• Employees who have completed vocational education, have at least 4 years of relevant work experience in their area of specialisation, and have successfully gained a Federal Professional Diploma (or a foreign equivalent)• Further specialist training completedD2• Employees with university degrees and at least 2-3 years of relevant work experience• Employees who have completed vocational education, have at least 4 years of relevant work experience in their area of specialisation, and have successfully gained a Federal Professional Diploma (or a foreign equivalent)• Further specialist training completed• These employees are able to manage demanding tasks independently, i.e. are able to handle on their own subprojects or every aspect of smaller mandatesD3 (Assistant Manager)• Employees with university degrees who have passed higher professional examinations (e.g. as certified auditors, certified tax experts, etc.) or are within 1 year at most of taking such examinations and can demonstrate substantial and comprehensive professional experience (at least 4 years)• Employees without university degrees but possessing a Federal Professional Diploma (or a foreignequivalent) and are within 1 year of taking a professional examination and possess comprehensiveprofessional experience (at least 4-5 years)• Capable of managing smaller mandates or acting competently as advisors to clients. Can be called upon to perform additional demanding tasks, for example training or assisting with projectsC (Manager)• Employees with university degrees who have passed higher professional examinations (e.g. as certified auditors or tax experts) and have at least 4-5 years of professional experience• Employees without university degrees but who have completed equivalent further education and possess specialist professional knowledge and the corresponding work experience• Managers understand KPMG's economic context and possess very good specialist knowledge. They are familiar with company strategy, the company's financial objectives and risk guidelines and act in accordance with them. They possess an in-depth understanding of client business (relevant issues, the market environment and major developments) and identify business opportunities. They may be called upon to perform additional demanding tasks, e.g. project management or management tasksB (Senior Manager)• Employees with many years of experience who can deal with both the practical and theoretical aspects of complex issues and demonstrate a capacity for successful client work, people management and business acquisition• Senior Managers are generally acknowledged as above-average professionals with the ability to deliver presentations; they also write specialist articles, handle demanding mandates and/or are responsible for managing business units, with responsibility for costs and results. They are responsible for their business unit's mandates being completed properly, on time, and to appropriate quality standardsA (Director)• Acknowledged as having many years' experience of the profession and of management• Capable of managing every aspect of specific client mandates and complying with KPMG's risk and quality standards• Capable of devising sophisticated and complex solutions and of dealing with technical questionsP (Partner)• Client acquisition and advice at the highest levels• Widely acknowledged within the company and outside• Wide-ranging business responsibility