Hi im new to this site but have read some feeds and think this is a great medium with a lot of very positive and motivating responses so thought I would add my anxieties to the blog and see what helpful advice might come my way.My experience is originally from industry side but I moved to a big4 about 2 years ago to expand my sector experience and increase my skill set to move up the career ladder.Unfortunately like a few of the experienced hires in my team the role we were employed for did not live up to the expectations and a lot of us are not doing the work we hoped when interviewed, as a result the team have had huge turnover (or maybe turnover in the big4 is always that high?).I like many others has made the decision to leave and I want to explore the contract market but am not really sure where to start and how to maximise my employability in this field, does anyone have any advice?In addition i have been contacted by other big4 and large consultancies but fear they are all the same so am thinking to avoid consultancy and stick with industry... less cut-throat, better working hours, more control over the projects you work on, more stability and not that far off in salary?