Hi Ilya,Maybe you can help me with my research project. Maybe you are or you know someone who could have an interview with me.Student of the Freie Univerzität of Berlin Germany, I am leading a research about organizational cultural change in the context of american "transplant" firms in Russia for my MA thesis. I am particularily looking at firms based on the "One firm" firm system.Therefore, I would like to have interviews with past an present professional staff of the following firms in Russia:a. Accenture,b. Goldman Sachs,c. Latham & Watkins,d. McKinsey & Company.There are no costs involved (I call you to do the interview at requested time).The interview will be as your personal experience in terms of the meeting of your russian "native" culture and the culture of the american "transplant" firm.In exchange of your participation, I can provide you with a summary of my results and, unless you want to stay annonymous, I would be happy to add you in the acknowledgment section of my thesis.All academic references available upon request.ludovic.tessier@aol.comMany thanks in advance, Ludovic