Hi All,I work for one of the largest UK charities. I hold a masters and PhD in my field. I prepare complex reports for my employer. I'm very good at my job and need almost no supervision. My work is used to influence government policy, amongst other things.I currently earn £30 an hour, which was my starting rate, pre PhD. I've also not had an annual pay-rise for the two years I have been with the organisation.My current problem is this, I enjoy my job, however I'm also self employed which gives me an hourly income of about £60+ an hour.So it is costing me money to remain in my current employment (part-time).Could anyone give me feedback, is £30 an hour a reasonable amount for my position? I work from home so I have no colleagues to make a compassion with. I'm debating if I should leave the organisation as I have plenty of private work, or ask for more money???????..............Any feedback would be appreciated.