Hi all,I've been browsing for a little while and found what's on here very helpful, but I'd really appreciate some thoughts on my specific situation..So as a little bit of background on me personally, I studied at an Oxbridge college achieving a 2.1 in a scientific subject as well as being involved with a fair amount of extra-curricular activities, most particularly sports. Nothing new here.Anyway, while thinking about careers at uni I was initially planning to go into IT/technology consulting. While IT was still my plan I did an internship at a big 4 firm, and then for various reasons discovered that IT really wasn't for me. However as I liked the firm but not the specificity of IT, I interviewed and switched my offer to the general management consulting grad scheme instead.So here I am, 4 months in to my first year consulting at a big 4 firm. I've really enjoyed the one major project I've done so far (Oct-Jan) but throughout my time training and working at the firm I've been slightly frustrated with the pace of the scheme and the ability and ambition of my colleagues. I have never considered myself to be overly ambitious or career-focussed, but I've been wrestling a little bit with wondering if I've settled for second best, and that's not something I'm really familiar with or like the idea of!This isn't a sob story though, I am where I am and that's partly down to me and partly down to circumstances. So, looking ahead, I'm trying to evaluate what my options are and what the best direction to go is, and whether it's worth going for a bit of a restart at MBB (B, etc...).Obviously this may not happen, but with the naive assumption that it did, would I have to wait until the next milkround to apply? Are they less likely to take me as a grad rather than an undergrad (even if I'm only a year ahead)? Would it be possible for me to go for a start before September 2013, around when I'd be hoping to go for promotion at my current firm anyway? And If I did have to wait until Sep 2013, in your most valued opinions would it be worth the step-back of two years and associated relative "demotion" for the opportunities that I'd have at a top Strat House?Just to clarify, the status of these firms is only a small part of what attracts me to them, the work that they do and the development they push you through is what looks more appealing.Long post, apologies, but I wanted to explain the full situation.Comments/thoughts/advice appreciated!