Firstly, you've got to remember why promotions occur. Yes, to an extent it is to reward good performance, but generally a manager's main aim in promoting is moving someone with the right ability into a role where they can give more to the company.Therefore, the first thing you should focus on is ensuring you fit that requirement. Make sure you have have a great performance track record in your current role, but also try to demonstrate the skills that would be effective in the role you are aiming for if possible.Also consider that your immediate managers may not be the ones who benefit from your promotion. To them it could be losing a good team member or even a new competitor. If you can put yourself in the mind of management an extra level up you will really boost your chances. If you do have a good track record and you think you've shown rediness for your next role, then a couple of months of extra effort to achieve something really notable could be what you need to get that recognition at a higher level.Despite the focus on first impressions (which are important), showing unexpected insights (or novice mistakes) can change someone's impression of you and get them to rethink the role you are in. Make sure you understand the key issues in the role you are aiming for; if this is senior management they may include new financial or leadership issues for example. A familiarity of classic textbooks such as The Mythical Man Month ([url][/url]) can also help avoid major gaps in your awareness.People love to be reassured, and one way of reassuring your managers that you have the skills needed for a new role is formal training. An MBA can be a major step in your career, though you have to weigh up the amount of time it takes over the benefits you'll gain. Another option is to specifically target your education. For example, if your company is having difficulties undergoing restructuring, attending a specialist course such as Organisation Design ([url][/url]) could mean your company sees your skills as highly desirable in a senior role to resolve these problems.I hope these tips help you, and best of luck with your future career!