I'm in the London office of a big 4 and while the standard answer is "it varies", my experience so far has been just that. Worst was 50 hours in 3 days, best has been 9-5 on a training course.Average base has probably been 40-50 hours 'real' work in a week, plus 5 or so hours of other bits and pieces. This has then ramped up to more like 60 when things have got busy, and more if things really hit the fan.In terms of getting into the office, most people will arrive at 8.30 so proper work can kick off at 9, but this varies hugely due to personal preference. I've worked with one person who liked to get in at 9.30-10 and one who would get in at 7.30-8. At a junior level you do still have this flexibility, but the project will always come first. If you have a meeting at 8, then there's not a lot you can do about it!Only been here 4 months tho, so this is just one POV (but looking at my peer group here, probably fairly representative), and I imagine it would vary geographically. Hope that helps!