This thread will provide a wealth of information about consulting jobs at [b]Newton Europe Ltd.[/b] and Newton Europe careers to candidates looking for new consultancy opportunities.In producing the recently published Definitive Guide to UK Consulting Firms (see: [url][/url]), we have amassed company profiles for 189 consulting employers. As many of the discussions started on the forum revolve around what it is like to work at different firms, we thought we'd create anchor threads for the firms we have profiles for, to create a place where readers can share additional information about consulting jobs and careers at each of these firms - in this case [b]Newton Europe careers[/b].Below is copied the profile information about Newton Europe Ltd. If you know of other sources of information about Newton Europe consulting jobs, or can provide your own insights of working or interviewing there, or can add anything else constructive for people searching the site for information about them - please reply to this thread and add your input. We'll roll this out to lots of consulting employers over the coming weeks and hopefully can create a great repository of information about consulting employers like Newton Europe Ltd. For more information on consulting firms and career options within consulting, download your free copy of the [b]Definitive Guide to UK Consulting Firms[/b]: [url][/url]. [b]1. Name of consulting firm[/b]Newton Europe Ltd.[b]2. About our company[/b]Newton is the leading operational and financial improvement specialist in Europe. Founded in 2001 by a group of highly qualified and experienced engineers, the company’s objective is straightforward: to deliver performance improvement of 10–50% in any client’s operations and supply chain without incurring capital expenditure. From its roots in manufacturing, Newton applies its unique engineering based approach across a wide range of industry sectors, working in areas as diverse as aerospace, automotive, defence, food & drink and healthcare, from the factory floor to design offices and throughout the supply chain. Newton are not management consultants, they do not focus on strategy, re-structuring or re-organisation – their focus is on identifying and resolving the issues that limit performance, to deliver a tangible and measurable improvement, backed by Newton’s guarantee ‘no results, no fee’. [b]3. Types of clients we serve[/b]Newton has a substantial proven track record and has worked with many forward thinking organisations including Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems, VT Group, Nissan, Kerry Foods, British Airways and the NHS.[b]4. Types of recruitment we are most likely to be undertaking in the next 18 months[/b]Milkround recruiting (i.e. university finalists)Experienced hire recruiting[b]5. When candidates choose to join our firm it is usually because[/b]1. We offer brilliant career progression opportunities;2. We offer a high rewarding work environment, with first class remuneration;3. We offer a working environment were potential can be realised in a diverse range of industries;4. We heavily invest in our people’s skills and training as they are the most valuable asset to the company;5. We are committed to our culture and the development of it – energy, enthusiasm and commitment;6. They are working in an environment where they can deliver real, tangible results and not report writing[b]6. Locations of our UK office(s)[/b]Oxford[b]7. Weblinks with career details of our firm[/b]For graduate careers information see [url][/url]To search our latest vacancies see [url][/url][b]8. Key contact details[/b]Europe: 4 Michaels Court, Hanney Road, Southmoor, Oxfordshire OX13 5HR.United Kingdom: Tel: +44 (0) 1684 576477; Fax: +44 (0) 1684 576497;[b]9. Areas of practice where we have a strong market presence[/b]Automotive/AerospaceHealthcare & PharmaceuticalsRetail/Consumer Goods[b]10. Types of consulting work our firm is most heavily engaged in[/b]Business Process ImprovementBusiness Transformation/Change Management[b]11. Awards won in the last 2 years[/b]Sunday Times Best Companies to Work For