hi all,I have got to partner interview at two big firms (one Big 4 financial services consulting, the other a big pricing strategy firm) and rejected from both. i have come from university to Teach First as a route into consulting with an internship in Whitehall. I went to a top 10 university and got a 2:1 in economics. i am unsure of what to do now to make a move into MC. milkround hiring looks to have finished, and i have been effectively unemployed since August. my options, as i see them, are 1) to take a role at a firm and hope to lateral into MC (i have an assessment centre at KMPG for pensions coming up)2) network aggressively to set up informational interviews , and rigorously practice case studies (which was noted as a deficiency in partner interviews) while taking on a part time job3) admit that MC may not be a career where my skills are put to best use, and look elsewhere4) look for a position at a v. small boutique consultancy and aim to move up from there.i think that from my experience on these boards, and advice that has been given to me, that 1) is unrealistic and may end up with me being stuck in a career i do not enjoy ... 2) is the most appealing to me, but being unemployed for so long is taking its toll on my personal life.3) is interesting, but would require a rethink of 1.5 years of effort and direction...perhaps getting an offer from pensions would not be such a bad choicei am not sure about 4) because I do not have much experience of people taking that path.any of your thoughts/ input would be much appreciated!!Alfonso