I've recently had update discussions with folks at both Accenture and PwC, and things are still looking decidedly chilly, though warming up. Some parts of their respective businesses have started taking on hires (though frustratingly for me, not the parts I've applied for).The demand at the moment does seem for very specialised individuals with certain skills or expertise. Most likely, they're getting hired to staff critical projects that demand their capabilities. The big risk (as with any consultancy) is taking on staff and then have them sitting on the bench, un-utilised and un-billable, for some indeterminate length of time until a project turns up.Hopefully things will be a little better over the next 3-4 months, but I'm realistically not expecting anything significant before then.Don't know much about E&Y, but I've heard Deloitte are in a similar position, largely borne out of over-recruitment during the last 12-18 months. Other companies I've been looking at have stretched out their recruitment timelines, with no definite commitment to anything concrete at the end of the process.In all honesty, getting a nebulous "waiting for the market to change" response at the end of a series of interviews, case studies and presentations feels much more frustrating than an outright rejection, but guess one needs to view it more positively!If anyone else has news from the frontline, I'm sure there are many people on this forum who would like to hear your views!