When Columbus has gone to peddle old stuff, it did not know, where goes. When it has reached it, it did not know, where was.In one it has carried: it did all this on public funds, and impressive enough. You have such luck? If you build and develop business, You should open new directions, to choose partners and to track "health" of a command. The main thing — properly to measure the forces before the next maneuver.The captain from the bridge operates the ship. Tracks weather, corrects speed and a direction.Heads. Gives orders to the helmsman … But whether it knows, what actually occurs by the ship, especially, if it is the modern liner?Even the most good captain There can not be in each point of a vessel, a nobility all about an event. And if suddenly accident, a fire, reeves, terrorists, customs?How it is possible to take operatively a situation under the control? ??????????????? diagnostics gives "reference point" from which then results of variations are verified.« That we did yesterday, we shall not do today. And that we shall do tomorrow, the day after tomorrow any more will not fit », — ingenious architect Frenk Lloyd Right spoke.In construction of any business too to not do without variations. For example, the market situation has exchanged. Or the firm quickly develops: directions and departments breed.Or it decided to introduce new technologies, an information control system … All this business-processes and structures of the company requires variation of strategy.Variation of the company is not made "alone", And the head collides with an indispensability to unite the administrative will with the initiative and the coordinated efforts of employees.Therefore any variations in the company is a decision of a chain of problems: to lay down aims, to rally people, To remove a pressure and delicately to resolve « personnel questions » … and thus to consider one thousand more nuances.The enterprise — the complex organism, living the own life frequently separate of a life of a management.And if firstly you well were guided in a situation, in due course the general picture is greased, and its some parts and at all plunge into a fog.How departments and work on what managers are aimed? Where bottlenecks in processes? Where major problems are buried? About what key employees are silent?Frequently heads and experts of different divisions substantially communicate only on ?????????, and that under the rules.And problems of ordinary workers in general look as typical complaints and attempts to avoid the responsibility.