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No specialism - is there an out?

forum comment
#0 No specialism - is there an out?
05.12.11 00:00
Hi,I joined ACN in 2009 as a grad, and since joining have worked on a variety of projects, but am aligned to a Technology Growth Platform - not by choice. After some short initial projects, I was forced to spend 1 year on an Banking SI role before managing to secure a MC role for 6 months. The type of skills I built here were completely different to the ones I originally learned in my SI role and more aligned to the type of work I want to carry out in future.I applied for an internal transfer into MC and was barred from doing so, and am now being dragged back into further FS SI work. I've done as much internal escalation as I can to move out of this area but at the moment it seems like a dead end. I don't want to go into much more detail as I know managers who also read the forum, but I really don't want to stay in this sector and have considered moving to another firm, the only issue is that my CV is a complete Jack-of-all-trades affair. My two longest projects are in completely different areas, and by lacking any true specialism I don't know how to approach an experience hire transfer as I only have 6 months of real experience outside of banking. The new FS role I've been forced onto will probably last another 8 months - 1 year so further attempts to transfer internally will be even more unlikely given I'll be a Consultant with only 6 months of analyst level experience in an MC role.I feel like I have no real focus at the moment and the only area I have (and will develop) more experience in, is the one I don't want to work in!This must be a similar situation for other grads/newly promoted consultants so it would be great to hear anyone's advice who's been in a similar situation and made the leap. At the moment I'm clueless on what the best approach for jumping ship would be, especially given the icy waters.I don't want to bite the bullet and just develop my specialism in FS SI for the sake of it. My end goal is to do MC work in the sustainability/low carbon area, but I don't have the specific academic (subject not grades)/work experience that many experienced hire positions in these areas require.It seems like the only option might be to get myself into an entry level position with another firm and take the hit the pay.Would appreciate any constructive advice on this as I feel like my career is slowly starting to sink.


forum comment
#0 RE: No specialism - is there an out?
06.12.11 00:00
Loki,This is a tricky situation. I have a few comments to share but I should stress these are very much just my opinion.I think you've learned that while very large firms have certain advantages, you can never count on what kind of work you will be asked to do. This suits some people, but for others it can become a nightmare. Ultimately you are there to make money for your employer, and no-one has any vested interest in helping to pilot you into another workstream - particularly a scarcer one like MC. ACN's bread and butter work is SI - so realistically you need to be prepared to make this a large part of your career, barring some incredible luck.Now I'll be blunt. If it's your goal to do sustainability work then you need to make this happen for yourself. It almost certainly won't happen at Accenture as MC is a small proportion of the total business, and the amount of it in the area of sustainability is probably quite low. Even if you do miraculously manage eventually to migrate over to MC, you'll always be working at one remove from what you want to do. Given your lack of other credentials, this strikes me as a very suboptimal way of making your ambition come true.If I were you I'd think about a move to a boutique firm that will either give you Management Consulting experience, or be sustainability-related, or ideally both. If you have any get-up-and-go about you, I'm sure there are loads of things you can say about transferable skills that you have picked up. You will have far more to recommend you than a fresh grad, having been blooded in the world of work. If necessary, be bold and take a pay cut. If things work out you'll be in a position to ask for a solid raise within six months, once they see what extras you bring from your experience. Small firms are full of refugees from the big players. For many people, the big firms are a good start to their career, but they realise that to grow then they need more control over their careers, or more freedom to specialise.Best of luck with it.Arrangement


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