It's been a few months since I've been on this forum and the 'to MBA or not to MBA?' question is still going strong I see. I turned to this websites a LOT when I was in a similar situation (before and during my MBA) so for what it's worth, I thought I'd chip-in, having taken so much away from it.I could not afford (or do not have the intellect more likely!) for the 'top-tier' MBAs, so I parted with my £20k and took a sabbatical from industry (salary £40k). Other than learning a great deal about several facets of 'business', I built a solid, albeit modest network whilst doing it. To cut to the chase (and here comes the big-head part) I was lucky enough to be offered a job with the company I was doing my summer project with, and offered a job by a classmate who was a director. No interviews, just a straight offer.I decided to stay in industry and return to my employer (despite hating it per-MBA) as i knew it was the least riskiest choice (given the climate and possibly due to my rather small 'minerals'), and the MBA has been a god send there too! I have been asked if I want to join our internal strategy team in Sydney to cut my strategic teeth (whilst I have learnt lots of theory, I guess there's no substitutes for hands on experience) for a year or so and return to the UK and help build a team. What, perhaps, I haven't emphasised is the amount of pushing I've had to do. The opportunities wouldn't have happend without the MBA, but if I had returned to my employer and simply waited for things to happen, they simply wouldn't have. An MBA IS worth it, but don't simply get the letters and wait for things to fall in your lap. Sorry, a slightly longer answer than intended, but hopefully it will convince you to do it! Good luck and enjoy it!