This thread will provide a wealth of information about consulting careers at BSMimpact and [b]BSMimpact[/b] consulting jobs to candidates looking for new consultancy opportunities.In producing the recently published Definitive Guide to UK Consulting Firms (see: [url][/url]), we have amassed company profiles for 189 consulting employers. As many of the discussions started on the forum revolve around what it is like to work at different firms, we thought we'd create anchor threads for the firms we have profiles for, to create a place where readers can share additional information about consulting jobs and careers at each of these firms - in this case [b]BSMimpact[/b] consulting careers.Below is copied the profile information about BSMimpact. If you know of other sources of information about BSMimpact consulting jobs, or can provide your own insights of working or interviewing there, or can add anything else constructive for people searching the site for information about them - please reply to this thread and add your input. We'll roll this out to lots of consulting employers over the coming weeks and hopefully can create a great repository of information about consulting employers like BSMimpact.For more information on consulting firms and career options within consulting, download your free copy of the [b]Definitive Guide to UK Consulting Firms[/b]: [url][/url]. [b]1. Name of consulting firm[/b]BSMimpact[b]2. About our company[/b]BSMimpact was founded in 1997 and is a UK-based firm with a global reach specialising in Business Service Management (BSM) Consultancy and Transformation. We are a leading exponent in the establishment of effective IT Service Management strategies and play active roles within principal industry bodies promoting the use of best practises including the IT Service Management Forum (itSMF) and TeleManagement Forum (TM Forum). A particular BSMimpact specialisation is effecting the people, process and culture change necessary to ensure a successful transition to new core business systems technology (e.g. a new Service Desk) where we then work in parallel with the technical implementation team from the software vendor. [b]3. Types of clients we serve [/b] Historically, BSMimpact clients tend to be medium to large organisations with a heavy reliance on the effective use of technology. We can count Centrica, Vodafone, BA, Virgin Media and O2 among our customers. Our methodologies deliver real benefits for any company however and, increasingly, we are receiving interest from smaller organisations across all sectors including not-for-profit. [b]4. Types of recruitment we are most likely to be undertaking in the next 18 months[/b]Experienced hire recruiting[b]5. When candidates choose to join our firm it is usually because[/b]…they see that their extensive experience allied to our methodologies will provide them with opportunities to work with us on high profile CIO-level projects both in the UK and abroad. [b]6. Locations of our UK office(s)[/b]BSMimpact’s registered offices are in the Thames Valley, UK. Our operation is based on a virtual office model, however, and makes extensive use of collaboration technology. This enables us to build our team based on the best practitioners, regardless of their location, and to minimise unnecessary travel between assignments. [b]7. Weblinks with career details of our firm[/b][url][/url][b]8. Key contact details[/b]For all enquiries, please call: 0800 756 9998[b]9. Areas of practice where we have a strong market presence[/b]Automotive/AerospaceEnergy & UtilitiesFinancial Services (Retail Financial Services focus)Healthcare & PharmaceuticalsRetail/Consumer GoodsTelecoms, Media & EntertainmentTransportation[b]10. Types of consulting work our firm is most heavily engaged in[/b]Business Process ImprovementBusiness Transformation/Change ManagementIT ConsultingOutsourcingProject/Programme ManagementStrategyTechnology [b]11. Awards won in the last 2 years[/b]TM Forum Excellence Awards: 2010 Finalist