Don't panic. An internship is useful but the use of internships is nowhere near as embedded in MC as it is in banking (from which I anticipate you have acquired this idea that an internship is essential).Your main prority is get a strong degree result - you'll need a 2.1 or 1st. If you are on track there, and it wont damage your studies, then look for societiesm team sports etc where you can develop leadership skills and commercial awareness. Frankly stacking shelves in your local supermarket in your holiday will give you as much experience as an internship. Also try and blag a few coffees with senior people in consulting - just be polite, respectful they have busy diaries, and show real enthusiasm for what they do and the sector they work in (eg retail) - you'll be suprised but a few WILL take time out to meet you for a chat or talk on the phone. Imagine the pleased expressions on your interviewers' faces when you describe how a chat with X (Senior Manager at firm Y) inspired you to be interested in capital markets IT transformation..and suggested Z would be great place to kick start your career (and you can tell them more about why X chose the firm/vertical etc).Oh and read up on business news etc - not static books they wont teach you much, just digest the news and try to get into WHY things are happening - whether you have a view on the Euro rescue or some keen ideas on what HMV could do to turnaround.Oh and relax for a little while...have a mincepie