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#0 Depression
alfonso ribeiro
20.12.11 00:00
I am currently looking to start a career in Management Consulting, and it seems from the Vault Guide that burnout and depression seem fairly commonplace in Consulting.I was wondering what support there is for people that are suffering from depression in general (and small boutiques in particular). Although I wouldn't say I "suffer from depression", I have been depressed for periods in the past and would not like it to set my career back.Any thoughts would be very welcome, also any hints to avoid burnout.


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#0 RE: Depression
23.12.11 00:00
Frankly if you are at risk of recurrence, don't go into this industry. It's typically high pressure, which can lead to high stress, and measurement is pretty ruthless. I have seen people trying to deal with depression in a major consultancy, and the firm's patience wore thin pretty quickly. In a small boutique, if you are salaried, any absence will have a heavy impact on the firm's cashflow and they will be keen to 'deal' with you. Associate model may be better for you , if you can afford the potential discontinuity.


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#0 RE: Depression
alfonso ribeiro
24.12.11 00:00
thank you for your thoughts rc,i must say that i am inclined to agree with you...but this would leave me thinking along which career path to take. i have been interested in MC for a long time, straight A student, good university ... i am 22 now and can understand/ manage depression better than before. maybe the rational thing would be to take a low stress, passive career path...however if i do so, i will feel like i am wasting my potential.i have a big interview coming up and am worried on the one hand that i might be consigning myself to burnout, on the other hand that i may regret not taking the leap for the rest of my any case, i am going to perform to my best at interview.any more thoughts would be much appreciated, thanks


forum comment
#0 RE: Depression
03.01.12 00:00
alfonso there is no reason why having suffered depression in the past should be a hinderance to pursuing any career you want to. It is better understood now than it has ever been, and acknowleding you have suffered in the past will of course make it much easier to manage it in the future.burnout is not something you need to be worrying about at this point in your life let alone your career, at least not unless you are already finding situations under stress trigger a depressive episode. Burnout tends to occur when you are having to push past your physical and mental limits of endurance or capacity while not having an option to step out or step back. So working all hours to advance your career while paying your mortgage, supporting a family etc, could well lead to burnout if you dont feel you have the liberty to be able to afford to take time off, or leave the job. If nothing is making you stay, you always have the option to get out before you reach actual burnout.what does raise some small flags is that you are already concerned about this...suggesting you are finding some situations might cause symptoms of a depressive episode? just a guess of course. if you can identify the early signs of an impending episode (e.g. obsessive thoughts, aggression or aggressive thinking, feelings of worthlessness, being more emotional than usual etc) you should be thinking through what is happening around you when you experience these early signs - if you are finding they are triggered by the kind of situations you are likely to also encounter regularly in MC then obviously you need to think carefully - it's not all about the money, or even all about adding value to clients or realising your potential. You have an opportunity to decide on a career in which you will thrive as a human being, but different people thrive in different environments.


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#0 RE: Depression
Arby the Manager
04.01.12 00:00
Although I have never had depression, however I have close personal experience of it and I understand just how debilitating it can be. Some inputs from my experience:> You don't say whether you have serious depression or have just been a "bit down" - however I can probably infer it's the latter. The latter should be pretty easy to snap out once you keep yourself occupied. In this sense, Consulting will be ideal for you as you will have no time to loaf about moaning about the perceived quality of your life. You'll be busy, busy, busy - and it will toughen you up a bit. Then you'll look back on your "depression" and realize you just needed some direction and a bit of skin-thickening.> If you have serious depression, clearly it's no so easy to pull yourself together and snap out of it - so in this case I think whether you choose Consulting or not - you'll be up Sh*t Creek without a paddle as any job will be affected. Your medication will make you tired and moody - and probably you will not be able to cope with the additional pressures piled upon you whilst you are whacked out on whizz-biscuits. Although - it has to be said - this is probably not so likely to happen in the junior years.Unfortunately depression is here to stay if you are prone to it - so PLEASE do not postpone a career choice because of this. You can manage it if you take the right precautions, see the right psychiatrist and take the right medication.Arby


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#0 RE: Depression
alfonso ribeiro
05.01.12 00:00
thank you for your well thought out reply marsday! i noticed some of these symptoms when on the Teach First scheme last year, my plan was to complete the scheme and gain a TF sponsored internship at a big consultancy was my first job and i was placed in manchester (im from london), and had to teach in a challenging school. although i started well, by february my performance was dropping off and i was isolating myself and acting erratically. i went to a counselling service for a few months after. it was a horrendous feeling, and im a bit tentative now about leaping all guns blazing into MC. looking back, i think a lot of it was poor self-management and being in such an alien environment for a first job. i think mc would be different in that i would be able to come back to london on weekends and like arby said, the pressure in MC would be constructive.i do love the case studies (of all varieties) and all the MCs i have met have been really sharp, intelligent people. it would be great to work alongside this type of person and learn a lot about different industries. the alternative i am considering is audit/ tax ... my brother, who knows me well has suggested this path. part of me thinks that this would be more stable and less likely to cause any type of depressive episode...but i do not think i would find the career particularly stimulating. on balance, i think MC would be a great career for me and i have become too risk averse after my experiences last year.


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#0 RE: Depression
alfonso ribeiro
05.01.12 00:00
thank you so much for your response!...i think you are right on many counts. the business of MC will be a plus and i do think i will look back on this as a need for direction. my brother gave me the same advice...he is very similar to myself and has thrived in his high pressured job. you are also right in terms of the difference in being a "bit down" and depressed. i have only been "depressed" twice before ... but there are usually some indicators when i go from being a "bit down" to depressed. i think being based out of London will help as my family and friends can usually tell. in any case, i look forward to the learning curve in MC ... it will force me to up my game if nothing else


forum comment
#0 RE: Depression
05.01.12 00:00
hey there - sorry to hear you had such a tough time previously- just wondered if youve got any interviews lined up for MC roles yet?Personally I think that full on depression will affect you with whatever job you take so you shouldnt discount a MC possition just on that front, however I would say though that you might be jumping to conclusions about the work and culture until youve got to some final stage interviews. The cultures in consulting firms are radically different and you will only get a flavour of them one you youve gone throug the process. If you find a culture that seems a great peronality fit for you, you are less likely to feel isolated and possibly less likelyto sucum to depression shouldthe stresses be too much. There is always uncertainlty working in consulting as you never know whats round the corner and what you will be working on next which is also why it can be so fulfilling! Having a strong scense of being in a team 'back at camp', a good realtionship with your performance manager and asignments outside of your client deliverable can make all the differnce to your state of mind. Best of luckBB


forum comment
#0 RE: Depression
09.01.12 00:00
bit of a tangent, but this reminded me of seeing on the medical assessment questionnaire included on the prospective joiners' paperwork at one company two questions to the effect of 'have you ever suffered from job-related stress or depression' and 'have you ever received medical treatment for stress or depression'. I always thought that was a dubious line of inquiry and wondered what they did with that information - would it be legal to discriminate against someone who answered Yes in terms of not finalising the offer? if so, it really disincentivises people either from seeking treatement or responding truthfully...


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