So much so that i believe my grades were affected. I was diagnosed with MS at just 17 and have had MS symptoms since i was 14-15 (not as severe as now). The nature of the deteriorating disease + the emotional affect it had on me has hampered both my studies and quality of life during my education. Being the discreet private person I unfortunately am never disclosed my illness to the school/college/uni, and from the untrained eye would not suspect it back then So i obtained all my GCSEs (2 A's, 3B's, 5C's) 3 A Levels (CDD) 1 AS Level (D) and a degree (2:2) - i had to resit the 2nd year of college - the year i was diagnosed as i missed lots of classes as a result of being incapacitated. These are mediocre/poor grades and my MS is not an excuse but i do know how much MS affected my life and education and by just explaining all my symptoms others would understand why it did. at the beginning of the 3rd year at college i had a time of 3-4 months where my symptoms were significantly improved however by February i had a big relapse. in the January exams i got an A and B in the 2 exams i sat then. I feel this shows my ability when MS is not controlling my life. Unfortunately those 3 months were the only time i can say MS didnt control my life. So since graduation (2008 ) i have been working from home trading shares on the stock market. (Retail Investor - self-taught) - i have also been in and out of hospitals accross Europe having experimental treatments. I am now in a position to start my career and want to pursue it in accountancy. - i am in the process of getting some experience in book keeping as a relative is an auditor. As my grades are fairly weak for accounting i was considering lying about my a levels / degree but i really dont want to, and its not in my nature to lie. but i dont want employers to see my grades and presume i am not intelligent / not competent for the role. I was wondering if i could say anything or add anything to my CV or application to explain my poor grades. i dont want this to sound like an excuse , but MS really affected me from a young age and its only been a few months since ive accepted my disability and take a medicine which greatly slows down the progression. i can provide medical evidence for my history to the employer if this would help. - my MS affects my mobility most so i will use a wheelchair or crutches, the employer shouldnt be concerned about my disability affecting my work and any related absences now that i have developed as a person and taking an effective treatment.thank you