Well we hosted a briefing with ~90 consulting employers midweek and presented the findings from a survey of consulting recruiters that we undertook in September (ie. after the wave of bad headlines regarding the economy and ongoing Eurozone problems had had their chance to dent people's confidence). I have to say I expected the results to demonstrate a little more caution about hiring intentions for the coming months - maybe the impact just hasn't fully filtered through as yet? The key stats regarding firms hiring intentions you can access in PDF format via:[url]http://bit.ly/ny2eIz[/url]I can't say the room were in disagreement with the findings though - and those I spoke with confirmed that so far they've seen only marginal changes in their firms' appetites for making hires. So I can only think that the firms Recruitertoo is referencing are a small subset of the total market. Certainly the Big 4 and the other major global brands who've been powering much of the recruitment this year have not been showing any signs of slowing - in fact from our conversations quite the opposite. There is however a growing determination to source directly, so potentially the work that agencies are seeing may be giving the appearance of drying up.Certainly interesting times - and let's hope the Eurozone problems are bottled up and dealt with; if we had another full blown crisis the picture could certainly change quite rapidly...Tony RestellTop-Consultant.com