I'd say DC has it pretty much on the nose.When the world's governments and banks need to pass money into the economy in order to continue the facade that the plates are still spinning, management consultancy firms, large infrastructure projects and regulatory change (such as Basel, MIFID, Solvency 2) are three of the main ways that they can do this.All three provide a conduit for money to pass into the economy with no requirement to produce any tangible output. The interaction between these three major conduits also means that the same money can pass multiple times around the community, so by the time it looks like the subsidy has had no benefits, a new initiative will already have replaced the old one.For a more detailed explanation, google "ponzi".The only real question is - what will implode first? - the Sun that provides the planet with life, or the money-go-round that makes life such fun for those with a seat on a painted horsey.