Well, that happens a lot these days sadly. Clients almost seem to think that they only ever need to pay for "stuff", not "time". I say, do what your boss says. If he wants to give away consultancy time for free, then that's his prerogative I guess. But, here's the thing: The next time you have to write a proposal for them, make sure you include "danger money". You know what I mean - if you think the cost is £30K for example, then just pad it out with loads of extra time, increase the day rate, stick in stuff like allowances for admin, and turn it into a £50K proposal. If the client accepts - great. At least then they're paying for your time. If they don't - well, consider it a lucky escape. On occasions, I've actually trebled my day rate just because I didn't want to continue working with a particular client.It sounds like your boss is a little naïve, by the way. You should never work for "free" on the promise of more work down the road. Good clients are willing to pay for what you contribute NOW. We've all been burned by projects that get cancelled or clients that are, frankly, liars - and giving discounts or freebies up-front has got to be one of the worst ideas ever. Reward loyal clients if anything, not clients that want the freebies then can the project or have something "unexpected" happen before you get to the point where you can start profiting from the relationship.