Just noticed that one of my "favourite" clients (an individual) just got a new job.I do like him (sort of) as a person, but he is your typical public sector douchebag - very ineffective, with a trail of disasters behind him.Anyway, I thought I'd do a little googling to see what his new job pays. It's quite high up in the public sector. Do you know, I almost fell off my chair when I saw how much it pays!! Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike this guy or anything, but similarly he's no superstar.... and he's now in a position funded out of the public purse earning upward of a quarter of a mil per year PLUS the pension and other stuff that goes with it!! Absolutely unbelievable. Why, oh why, are these public sector folk paid so much for doing so little.Anyway, that's that off my chest. I would say it's none of my business actually, although as a taxpayer I now feel even just a tiny little bit more ripped off than I did previously. Ho hum.