Well said, Charlie! I concur. Abu Dhabi is better if you have a family and want something "quieter" and more family-oriented.To add on from what was said above, nationality and "skin colour" definitely affects your salary, standing in society, etc. I am a mongrel and unlike my siblings, am browned skin (brown sheep - lol!). Every time I go through DXB, even this is an excruciating ordeal.I don't expect this to be an issue with the Big 4 and other "proper" outfits, but keep in mind that outside of work (sometimes inside work even), it is different.I don't know what the Big 4 offers, but you really need to factor in housing, education, etc. Here's the offer I had from a niche firm some time back:Education: No kids, so didn't have this, didn't ask about this.Housing: Housing is rather "expensive" in Dubai. I always look at the 10k a month figure as a benchmark. So, 120k pa for housing allowance. Though you might want to up this for a family. And see if you can get the firm to pay upfront. Car: You need one. They should provide. But I don't know about Big 4.Medical: You need to sort this out, especially if you have young children (from your username). The doctors in Dubai are horrible! All-in-all, your experience with Dubai will depend on your "skin colour". Unfortunately, this is true. I have a few good mates from university days. Two of them (Caucasian and British) are rather happy. The other (Chindian), despite being quite high up at the world's local bank, is not particularly happy. Then, there is "nationality", e.g. people from CEE are are held in lower esteem.