Also if it was a gov dept there would be no appetite for co-ordinating anything across multiple subsidiaries.That's the whole point of multiple subidiaries in government - as defined by the following rules:-major departmental scope of responsibility should be based upon a Venn diagram with at least five points of overlap, such that there is never clear responsibility within any one department -sub-departments to be numerous enough to allow the buck to passed from one to another on a monthly basis without returning to the original department within 18 months- senior politicians and civil servants to move departments every 17 months, to allow the buck to return to the original department, but to a new owner (the new broom defence)- all departments to have a quango "on standby" with suitably over-compensated Chairman and pre-identified middle manager with history of mental instability. Should the buck become unpassable, said quango should be left holding it when the music stops, leading to disolution of the quango.- Disolved quangos should provide an excellent source of recruitment for replacement quangos, with the exception of the Chairman who will require the respectibility of a knighthood before they can be re-appointed to an unrelated quango, and of course the unstable middle manager who will hopefully confirm their guilt through a well-timed mental breakdown - NB - suicide is an acceptable but regretable alternative entirely at the discretion of the manager in question.- all heads of department to ensure co-rdination by participating in the Lateral Uniformity & Nationally Co-ordinated Hierarchy meetings held weekly in various London gentlemens' clubs** in the instance of a senior head of department being inelligible to enter the LUNCH venue due to their gender being of the female variety, they will be welcome to participate in the Ladies Day equivalent held in the Pret-a-Manger in High Holborn