As Mars rightly says, firstly congratulations on securing offers from both these firms. Mars is closer to the detailed workings of these firms and has provided ample steer on the angles to consider, so I've not much to add in that respect.What I would say (in part having worked at Roland Berger Strategy Consultants at a time when they were barely established in the UK market) is that you probably don't need to worry about recruiters undervaluing you should you join AP. In reality, anyone who recruits in the consulting space is likely to have a very good knowledge of firms and their prestige. Should you find yourself looking to switch consulting firms - or move to industry - a few years from now, at the senior levels you would be moving at the recruiters will all be of a calibre that they'd know the market and the various players. It's only at dinner parties where you may find yourself with a bit of explaining to do!From a career perspective, what is important is the quality of the client base you'll be serving and the nature of the assignments you'll be working on. These should reflect where you want your career to go in the coming years.The other thing that I always stress is the importance of cultural fit. In which of the two firms did you feel most comfortable, where did you get the best vibes from the consultants you interacted with? This is a key consideration when you think of the amount of time you'll be spending with these people, potentially away from home too. It may be that there was little to choose between the two in this respect; but if your gut feel is that you culturally preferred one over the other then I'd give that a lot of weight.Hope this helps, congratulations again and good luck with your decision.Tony RestellFounder, [url][/url] and [url][/url]