Accreditations dont really amount to much in MC - what will travel with you in the long term is your track record and evaluations rather than a stack of certificates. You'll pick up project management certs and process quals along the way, depending on what type of work you are doing, but for the most part they dont carry much weight. Things like PMP, Prince2, Six Sigma, ITIL etc will come along in the usual course of your work, so just take the training which is offered when its offered.The exceptions would be if you are or intend to make a career in consulting with financial services clients, in which case there are certain quals which really do matter - CFA, FRM etc which carry weight with clients, or taking an MBA in order to either accelerate your development or move into strategy work.I would suggest thinking in 3 - 5 year blocks of time rather than deciding right now you intend to make a long term career out of consulting (or anything for that matter). You may not like it, or may get some attractive options to exit client side along the way. Again it is track record which will secure these, not certificates.