Thanks Tony, that is very helpful. I am being signed in for 2 years after completion of my MBA (it is indeed at a good school) so I guess at that point there will be another stressful and difficult decision to make - pay them back, or stay it out.My longer term objective is making partner in a consulting firm, the selling piece actually excites me. My current employer, however, is a fantastic company to work for, and should I choose to stay here the opportunities will not be scarce. Family / children not an issue and I don't see it being in the medium term, so it sounds like it really is going to be about money in the end, and taking the hit if required at the right time in order to get exactly where it is I want to be in 10 years from now. Chipzilla, those reads were very good, thanks - definitely food for thought. It's very situational though, and mine was a bit more complex. Thanks again.