I am looking to start in management consulting after a first career in Defence (British Army). I have decent strategy experience in London as well as the more traditional leadership roles - my CV is full of good stuff about leadership, strategy and innovation with strong evidence to back it up. I have a 2:1 economics degree and two masters quaifications including an MBA from Cranfield.I am after advice about the following:1. In what sort of consulting are my skills lilely to be most transferable? Which areas are better for generalists or those with a good strategy and leadership background?2. Are there any firms who traditionally look kindly on experienced hires from outside consulting in general or ex military people specifically?3. What joining level is realistic?4. Are there any people out there who offer a recruiting agent service? My case is a little unusual so I am looking or someone who finds jobs for people rather than people for jobs.5. Is there anyone out there who would be prepared to have a look at my CV and comment?Thanks in advance,David Relph