Dear wise ones, I have a month to make a life-changing decision and would greatly appreciate your opinion. Background:I received a scholarship (200,000 British pounds) from my government for my undergraduate studies and as part of this contract, I am bonded to work as a researcher in our local university for 10 years. At the end of my PhD, I knew that I did not want to pursue the research path and found myself more drawn towards the business aspect so I had applied for management consultancy. To my delight, I received the two offers from LEK and BCG Jakarta.Problem: However, I now face the decision of either paying off the 200,000 pounds and taking the job offer or staying in my government job, which is a stable job and not paying off the scholarship bond.Issues:a) Thinking objectively, do I have the capability of paying off that amount of money? Obviously I do not, and for my family, it would really stretch them financially and realistically, I would have to take out a loan for what's left and also pay them back over the years.b) Is the management consultancy job worth it financially and also in terms of career progression? This is where I really hope you can give me some input on.Financially, the LEK London job pays 37,000 pounds p.a. and living in London, it would be very difficult to save enough. The BCG Jakarta job pays slightly more, depending on the volatility of the exchange rate but I would be able to save more. In terms of career prospects, many people I have spoken to leave MC after 1-2 years. To be honest, I see myself leaving after 2 years also, but my question of course is to what? What are the exit options available to people who leave MC? Which company would give me the best range of exit options? LEK (London) would be as part of the life sciences team while BCG Jakarta would be based on the types of industries in Indonesia.Thank you very much for your helpful comments, greatly appreciate it.