Its interesting that you say you are "effectively" a programme manager. Why the condition?What you describe is quite common in large programmes. A Programme Director/Manager (title is company dependent) who is accountable for the budget and overall success of the programme. Typically spends most of their time managing stakeholders, upward comms, budget issues (allocation - not day to day expenditure), chairing ManCo's and attending SteerCo's etc. Monitors progress at a "roadmap" level. Reports to the Accountable Exec.A Programme Manager/Delivery Manager; typically managing downwards with a focus on delivery teams, managing weekly progress meetings, producing status updates, managing expenditure at phase levels, etc. Reports to the person described above.In Big4 terms I'd expect the former to be an EY Director or Deloitte SM, the latter an EY SM or Deloitte Manager (top end, pushing to be SM). Realistically it is rarer for the former post to be held by a consultant - usually the client needs permanent employee accountability, with delegated delivery in the seocnd post.With niche firms the roles could go to much more senior staff (small firms might put a partner on the former position), but ironically with firms specialising in proramme management (Project1, Boxwood, etc) then the holder of both positions may be lower down the consultancy firm management chain, but have significant (25 year+) programme delivery experience.Well there you are. Proof that I am a consultant. Multiple paragraphs of info and no simple answer. I've "brought it to life for you, but only you can really choose".