Yes, as one the above poster said, its important to negotiate the relo in the offer itself. It may not be too late however,...just say you did more homework and you would like ABC ...included in the deal. However, ACN AU are VERY inflexible in negotiation. Dpeneds on who you are negotiating with, however. Try and avaoid HR if you can- nothing but paper pushers. Go negotiate with hiring mgr and they will push the buttons for you with HR ( HR usually wont turn down hiring mgr requests). 88k PKG in australia is typical low-balling ACN strategy. Sorry, but you will find that your take home is approx 91% of this ( the rest superannuation), and tax brackets for non citizens are higher than citizens.However, its a good way to get into the country and after doing some time at acn, you should be able to find something else- with PR, with stability, and with the brand name acn provides on your cv.