I’m sure there will be a current acn person who can advise you on the mechanics of requesting a review of your appraisal rating, but I’d suggest you need to step back and consider where you are.The reason for my disbelief is that your post would be fantastically funny if it was a script from The Office/In the Loop/etc.Manager: “So Tommy, although much of you output is perfectly acceptable, the main problem is that you don’t seem to accept the validity of challenge or constructive feedback as part of the firm’s review and assurance activity. If you can’t accept embrace the need for peer and manager assessment of your working methods then I have to mark you as below average”You: “Hmm – is there a way I can challenge that?” (yes I know you probably didn’t actually say that to your manager, but you’re thinking it.)Normal part of working life at an MC (or a bank or any other big professional firm) is the need to accept that your work will be “challenged”, even when you have the right answer. This is to ensure that you did not just “fluke” the answer, and also to ensure you didn’t have any “near misses” along the way that would have cost you company had they been more than a near miss. They’re checking your process, not just the output.STRONG consultants LOVE this. For them it is an opportunity to show off. Personally I like nothing better than standing in front a bunch of bank MD’s while they challenge all my assumptions and plans, with me providing answer after answer until they get to the point where they’re trying to pick me up on day rates of an individual PMO that we’re taking on in six months time.Of course SUPER-STRONG consultants always swallow their pride and let the review panel make one mild and unimportant critique, even though they had thought of it themselves. It leaves the review body feeling that they’ve done their job, adding to the rigour of a plan clearly created by a competent person.