Yes, although...1) It depends on the contract. In most cases a contract will be for your limited company or umbrella company to provide serviecs to the client for a defined period (which may subsequently be extended). If you fail to provide the services then the client can in theory sue your company for any damages they incur - e.g. hirign cost of another contractor, interviewing time, ramp up time, loss of work so far etc.In reality I've never heard of this happening.2) Many contracts allow the contractor to give notice (often just a week) in which case you will have no hassle if you choose ot leave. HOWEVER, you will almost definitely never get another contract job (or not easily). This is a huge NO-NO for contractor agencies, as it shows that you were only really contracting as a stop gap when you couldn't get a perm position.3) As most contracts are rarely longer than three months (and then three month extensions), its not really an issue. Accpet the new job and see out the contract - its not likely to be any longer than the notice period you would have at a perm job.