Tommys forget what's free in life - sunshine, friends, family, health. More won't necessarily make you happier, but it will as the cliche goes, buy you a better class of misery. And frankly it does make you happier. Given the choice of not being able to afford food on the table or that Aston Martin come bonus round, I know which dilemma I would rather enjoy. Friends and family arent free - try having either with no money, and neither is health, unless you like the idea of being tormented by some borderline sociopathic neo Nazi in an local government care home your council tax paid for while you wait for either the end, or with even less delighted anticipation, the latest rerun of Antiques Roadshow on tv. Life is a race if you choose to participate, and once you opt for a career and not just a job you are in that race. Looking to what is free is just a sedative for the fact you should feel aggreived and wanting to do something to re-dress the balance.Tell your friend to p!ss off and find one who earns less :)