Thanks for your response.Well, I have an interest in areas such as new market entry, product and customer strategy - my degree was based around maximising profits, revenues, growth, consumer incentives (etc) and I am always finding myself figuring out how certain companies can expand, increase customer base, profits, revenue and so on. Albeit figuring it out in my head or in passing conversation with friends/colleagues.My understanding of strategy consulting is helping clients with strategic objectives (i.e. long term goals to achieve overall mission statement) such as potentially expanding operations to another country, bringing out certain products, retaining or attracting customers etc. Is this something which a strategy consultancy would help clients with? This is my understanding, but if I am completely/partially wrong, please point me in the right direction. Specifically, I could not tell you which area I want to specialise in, if any, at this moment in time. As I said, I have not done strategy before, so would like to try it and see if this is something I would like to pursue. Also, I am in my low 20s, so even if I decide strategy or even consulting is not for me, it's not exactly like I have 'wasted' many of my early career years. Hopefully by the time I have figured out exactly what I want I'd have the transferable skills and knowledge to apply to my next career choice. Maybe I will find a specific area of strategy consulting and a specific industry I am truly interested in? Can't really say right now.Based on this then, is strategy something you think I should pursue? If the answer is yes (or close enough to that), I'd appreciate if I could have any advice on questions posed in the initial post. Many thanks in advance.