Karen,In retail banking 60K will put you at the middle of Manager level and the low end of Senior Manager. It will be a push to do so with three eyars experience, but to get 60K you wil need to target a Manager position that leverages your credit risk experience. To do this however, I’d say your CV will need to be at least 90% credit risk – it can’t just be your last project or two.More challenging is to determine which aspect of that function you should be targeting? Most retail banks run multiple lines of defence models (you should know this, if you don’t you need to learn it at your MC firm before you start applying for bank jobs). You could work on the first line which would mean either a risk appetite/policy position, an operational management of exposure position, or managing an analytical team that monitors exposure. Jobs in the second or third line will essentially be the same breakdown but with an oversight responsibility.In IB 60K will stretch to senior analyst positions (before Manager) which should makes things easier for you as positions are awarded to those with subject matter knowledge and an ability work very, very hard. You will not need to show that you have applied management level judgement to attain that sort of salary, but you will need red-hot analytical ability. IB risk management tends to be significantly more concentrated in Middle Office (at least culturally), but there are roles that are front line and roles that are oversight. It would help if you have some specific experience of specific asset classes.For both IB and Retail at this level the intake will be 50% direct and 50% through agencies. I would also suggest direct networking through friends is still a good way to go. 60K is not yet a senior appointment, so the overriding motivation is often just to get a decent person in the door with minimal fuss irrespective of channel.I suggest you look at ww.jobsinrisk.co.uk for ads through both agencies and direct employers.In terms of specific agencies the sad truth is that while it is worth registering with any of the ones that advertise as covering Credit Risk (MacGregorB, etc) they rarely do anything with your CV unless the job for you is on their lap at the every moment they see your CV. That means you should be prepared to apply to the same agency multiple times, each time you see a job advertised and NOT assume that they will be considering you because you registered with them.There are no agencies that are better than others – just ones that have a job that is right for you today.