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What's the best advice.

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#0 What's the best advice.
28.02.11 00:00
what's the best advice for me, I have left 3 jobs in last 3 months. the first one after 1.5 years paying 120K, second one after 48 hours paying £110K and third one after 3 weeks paying £95K.First one was contract and got bored after 1.5 years as project didn't seem to end. Second one was a contract as well but didn't like the job profile as it was too junior. Third one was for a BIG 4 and permanent but I undersold myself and moreover the work I was asked to do was too junior when compares to what I have been doing in last 5 years. Also got disappointed with the kind of IT consulting work this BIG 4 does ( having worked with another BIG4 in past for 3 years I found the current BIG4 does too low level work in IT Consulting space and I didn't want to do such assignments which i will be embarrased to put on my CV).I haven't started my next job hunt as yet as just finished my last job. I am looking for a job which pays reasonably well i.e. if not £120K but £80K however, gives me the kind of job satisfaction I am after. I do not want to get up from bed everymorning for a job which pays me £120K but I curse myself for going to office to do something I really would not enjoy and ultimately making me stressed and I quiting the job in a similar way I have done for last 3 jobs. what's the best advice for me?Should I turn myself off for 3-6 months and then return for job hunt with a fresh mind and soul?


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#0 RE: What's the best advice.
28.02.11 00:00
just to add on to my original post that I am used to quiting jobs without security next one. I have done this for last 12 years i.e. in last 12 years I have changed 6 jobs (including the 3 jobs I mentioned above) but in all those jobs/years I never secured a job before quiting. That could be one of the reason I have never been into negotiating position but at the same I find it very stressing doing the job hunt along with my existing job hence, it has always been my policy to quit first and then look for another job.So far it worked for me and I have been managing to secure the jobs within 1 month of quiting in all those 12 years but the problem I now have is the job profile. I have been missold last 2 jobs and hence, had to quit. I did mentioned that I undersold myself in my last job however, the work I was asked to do was even lower level work to the grade/posion I joined this BIG 4 (joined at the top band of Manager) so I hope you can imagine the person who was aspiring to join at a SM level was offered a grade of top band of Manager and after joining was asked to do a NEWLY promoted Senior Consultant level assignment!


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#0 RE: RE: What's the best advice.
01.03.11 00:00
An obvious fact: having this kind of short stay tenure is going to damange your CV in climbing the ladder.Take some time off, reasses your career and most importantly make sure that the next one is for the long haul. In the interview, make sure that you tell em that you are definately looking for long haul career. Mention that you are looking for work that is dynamic etc..and ask them for examples of that in the position you are applying for.Take 1-2 months off. Your luck with securing jobs soon after quitting in the past is likely just that : luck. Dont push it by waiting too long. The market still isnt that good. Besides, an extended gap at your level wont look too good on your CV. You will have explaining to do, and saying that i was confused at short stays in the past aint gonna cut it.From your description, you come across as a bit arrogant and just after gratification ( career always has to be stimulating or else i will quit types). New flash: it aint always like that...even for CEO's. Take 1-2 months off and re-adjust your expectations. I suspect that you are quite talented and have good networks in place, but need to be more disciplined, grounded, and realistic for long term career success. Work on these things in the next 1-2 months.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: What's the best advice.
01.03.11 00:00
extrapolating from your previous roles, you should be looking at roles paying £75K and expect to leave by lunchtime on the first day


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: What's the best advice.
01.03.11 00:00
OP, what you need to fix can't be fixed in 1-2 months. You need to seriously reassess your motivations for working. I've ragged on you in the past for various things (which I don't regret) but leaving 3 jobs in 3 months is a sign that you don't really know what you're looking for. It sounds like you are looking for reasons to accept a job for the sake of the salay, rather than actively managing and building a career. And then once in, you find flimsy excuses for leaving. That's not healthy! Start from the top down - what do you value in work, what roles would you see yourself doing now, and who can provide these at a salary you're comfortable with??


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#0 RE: What's the best advice.
Absolutely loving it...
01.03.11 00:00
I may be wrong, but you sound very, very, very much like the guy that was on here a while back boasting about his 120K “salary” and “view of the Thames”. The OP wanted to know how to move out of contracting into Big4 and how much spondooly he should be demanding. That thread started with some good solid advice and quickly became a slagging match as the OP couldn’t take the heat.Then about a month later a very similar post appeared from recent “ex-contractor” that had taken a job at Big4 only to find himself simultaneously under-utilised, under-sold and under-performing. Regular contributors took the time to provide excellent advice which once again was met by moronic levels of egomania and denial.Now a post appears from am “ex-contractor who has recently quit BIG4” after very similar circumstances to the above.Let’s be clear from the start.You are an underperformer.You are an egomaniac.You have delusions of adequacy.You are on a downward spiral.In the interest of efficiency we may as well miss out the good advice and go straight to telling you what an idiot you are.Your best option is to google “schadenfreude”. If you are really lucky you can sell enough Big Issue to raise the cash for a personality transplant.PS. If you are not the ar$ehole from the previous posts, then do accept my sincere apology.


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#0 RE: RE: What's the best advice.
01.03.11 00:00
Absolutely loving it: I definitely think OP is the same guy as before. Schadenfreude was great the first couple of times but now I just feel sorry for him...


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#0 RE: What's the best advice.
recruiter too
02.03.11 00:00
perhaps a different guy judging from the lack of reaction? having said that the top two postings suggest very similar temprament! Just think of how much of everyone else's time he is wasting.


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#0 RE: RE: What's the best advice.
Another Anon
03.03.11 00:00
I am glad this amuses a lot of you... even if it is this original guy wouldn't it be better to just help him out with some good advice - he is either really desperate now (and learnt something from previous posts) or is a new guy who wasn't looking for this level of grief...Wish I had more advice to give than Gunslinger but I don' good luck to you


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