[quote]What base salary have they offered you? The big salary increases come at each promotion in consulting. KPMG will be worried that you won't have the consultancy skills to transition immediately into a Manager role.I would be having the conversation with the KMPG partner that goes like this "What would you expect to see at Manager level vs Senior Consultant level and if I develop my consulting skills over the next x months when is the soonest I would be able to get promoted?"[/quote]Sound advice! Indeed discuss how soon you could be promoted to manager level and what "proof" you need to show in order to be promoted, which criteria will be used to evaluate you. Also have this discussion at the start and end of any projects, ideally on as many projects as possible you need to have the opportunity to prove some managerial capacities.Adding to that, Big 4s have quite a hockey stick when it comes to compensation, meaning that at consultant level they don't pay that well compared to the industry. It becomes more interesting as of senior manager and particularly at partner/... level.Don't underestimate the travel commitment and how that can impact your personal situation (e.g. partner / kids at home)