I joined a big 4 firm 6 months back after working for a big and SI firm for 7 years. I have overall 12 years of experience . While I have learnt a lot in the last 6 months here in doing bits and pieces of work but haven't landed my self a project yet. Being on the bench for 6 months is beginning to make me wonder if I should go back to my previous employer or look for another role. To sum up the last 6 months, it's been a cycle of RFP -> get proposed on a role -> bid lost or hanging in the air->repeat. Quite disappointed with the experienced hire integration into the firm. Basically I have been on my own. There is hardly any transparency of open roles or advertisement. They get filled by someone knowing someone. The other reason why I'm posting here is something that ticked me off: Was discussing a potential role with a senior member of the firm and he remarked - 'You have a great resume and experience, how do you explain not being able to land a project since you joined?' A part of me felt as if there's something wrong with my skills and experience.. Divided between hanging in there and giving myself more time here and at the same time take a hit at year end review process which slows down my growth by 6 or more months. Would be good to get a different perspective. Any thoughts?