@newbieHave a look at ww.contractoruk.co.ukA site for IT contractor mainly, but includes various simple tools and calculators for all sorts of contracting stuff.Shoe polisher is correct that you need to look at more than just day rate. There’s your own personal tax situation, your need for security, your estimated utilisation/bench ration, how much holiday you want to take, etc.Personally I work about 210 day a year (90% utilisation over 4 years) which is freaking fantastic but still gives me a month off every summer. I’m senior enough to work from home regularly. I cover all my living costs (four bed detached suburban house, 2 kids, non-working wife, mortgage–free holiday/retirement home in the sun) plus have 30K extra per annum for pure fun. I have enough money in my company account to handle being out of work for two years. I work 8.30 to 6 and never on weekends. See my kids almost almost every morning and every evening. Been away overnight about 10 times in the last 4 years. Get to work with smart director level folks at major banks.To be fair, if I was still working at a big firm, then I’d be at or pushing, partner level and so would be on about 500k+ a year. So while I make a good living (more than my client peers) and enjoy no politics or sales pressure, etc, I have sacrificed income to enjoy my life. It’s a nice life but I’ve got 15 more years before I’m totally mortgage free AND a million in the bank in cash on which to retire, and there’s certainly not much chance of materially improving on that without a major change.