Then do it. I did, and never regretted it. I quit and went abroad for a year - "toiled in the soil" as you say. And had no substantial trouble in rejoining the corporate world when I was ready to.In the boom years of the ealry 2000's I sold more than £10M of consultancy revenue on half a dozen large projects, mostly building out internet businesses for blue chips that thought " a kid in a basement with a server and a skateboard" was going to steal 50% of their market share.Of that £10M, not one penny of it went to building a firm or division or product or brand that is still in existence today.It did pay for my holiday home though...Consultancy (and the recruitment activities that support it) can be fun, exciting, sparkly, occasionally challenging, sometimes intellectually puzzling. They are NEVER important or necessary to anyone other than consultants themselves.Don't ruin it by actually telling the emperor he has no clothes, but don't kid yourself that he is anything other than butt naked.