Just a bit frazzled right now, I have about 50,000 things to get done by the end of the day (though there is always time for some T-C fun heh heh) :-/I think what was going through my mind was as follows:1. Clearly Caz is American, as evidenced by the spelling of words like "offense" and the occupation with things like background checks2. The issue seems to be one of bankruptcy or something like that - because she's concerned about a "credit check" in a criminal offence context3. Everywhere you look these days, payday loans, pawnbrokers, cash for gold and all that kind of garbage is rampant4. This sort of thing usually starts in America5. I'm puzzled how Americans can have such large houses and gigantic V6 trucks and so on, whilst also having an economy that seems to consist almost entirely of the types of businesses set out in point 3. Wealthy lifestyle, yet broke. Weird.