Hello! This forum has been so fantastic and insightful to read through over the past few days. Now it's my turn..I'm in my 4th year of CompSci masters degree (bristol uni, at least a 2:1) looking to go into consulting. I plan on applying to many consultancies to ensure a job next summer but would love to hear some opinions on the firms I've found so far and if you think they're good choices for a technology consultancy grad scheme:accenturedeloittecapgeminiEYmckinseychpconsultingpaconsultinghpibmmicrosoftbaedeticabritishairwaysWhat would be the difference in working for - a tech company like IBM in the consultancy area, - a consultancy company like Deloitte in the tech area, or - a tech-only consultancy firm like CHP or PA?(I'm also keen on international travel opportunities in the future.)Thanks so much for any opinions, stories, feedback - greatly appreciated!