From the computer:[b]NEW YORK SUCKS!!! Help! Is moving a reality for me?[/b]Keep in mind it is only March and I have made LOW 6 figures. I currently live in NY and have about $100,000 saved up. I don't necessarily have any employment opportunities anywhere else but I am tired of the hustle and bustle of this city where one lives to work. I don't have a college degree I speak 2 languages and would ideally like to move to a place like Puerto Rico or Panama City Panama. I love the weather, their way of life, their outlook on life and people. I want my wife and child to learn Spanish. My entire family outside of my grandmother and mom live in Puerto Rico. I hate it in NY and I know if I don't leave now by the end of the year the $100k will be gone. I spend $48k a year on rent which is obscene and that is not including any utilities BUT that is life in NY. We live on our vacations and simply past the time working and miserable when we are not. Both my wife and I work 10-11 hour day none of us are happy. In NY Everyone is in constant competition with each other even children. Form grades, to looks, to where they go on vacation, to where they go to school to what sport they play to how good they are at the sport, to how much money their parents have.They go from schools to afterschool programs to sports and tutoring. All of which costs thousands of dollars and your choice is make the sacrifice or be forced to have them feel austricized by there peers. Oh and EVERYONE is striving to be on Wall Street. My son is 10 and had to write a paper on what he knew most about, his friend wrote Politics Effect on Wall Street and the Economy. I kid you not. I seriously wish I were lying. I want my son to walk around with his friends play stick ball kick a soccer ball and strive for the best but not feel bad about himself if he fails. Do I have enough to leave this nightmare or is it unrealistic to think that $100k will last me long enough to find a decent job in one of these places?