Hi All,I graduated in July 2012 with a 2.1 in History from Durham University. Going back from there my academic record equates to this (AAA A-Level). From here, in a fit of panic of not wanting to be unemployed but not wanting to make a long-term decision I'd regret, I have taken a position in a recruitment firm. You may hate me (preferably temporarily) if you wish.I am happy to continue working in this firm for now, it's obviously the pragmatic choice. But having made some connections in the consultancy world as a recruiter, I've realised the fit that a graduate scheme in consultancy would have to my profile. My problem is, how to I go about this in the right way? I do not wish to apply so early on into another job that I seem to have no willpower, but equally I do not wished to appear to have been recruiting for too long, and only suitable for a Business Development role? Strategy and Transformation would be far more preferable (fully aware that most people say that but I have thought it through).I would welcome any suggestions as to how to tactfully move in the right direction here, based on experience from the other side of the fence when encountering such profiles. Furthermore, I would appreciate any tips as to what areas it might be better for a History Graduate to move into? I have my thoughts but am very much open at this early stage.Feel free to ask me any questions if I have written too much of an essay to make sense.Thanks.