You will get many differing views on this question as its quite subjective and dependant on the company you are applying at. Some of these may be1. Companies advertise a salary band, let's say between £40k to £60k. When you apply and they call in you, its pretty sure you wont get below £40k. So if you earn £30k, you are certain of a decent pay rise, but if you get £50k, then its all up for discussion2. The job advert says, and is very common these days, 'competitive' or 'market leading' or 'excellent base plus benefits' - you should be wary of all such postings as they can offer anything and more or less, they go on what your previous package isComing to if they actually check you salary or try to find out, what matters is if you lie to them when revealing your salary. Adding even £1k to what you get is lying, no harm in monetizing benefits but adding anything on top is lying - so you need to be sure what you are ready to say. Some companies ask for previous pay slips, some ask for a reference letter stating position and previous salary where they will get to know what you were getting. More importantly when you give your P45, they will eventually come to know - whether they do anything at that point or no is irrelevant, but they eventually get to know.If asked, you could evade the question of your previous package by stating you applied for the role because they said they are paying between so and so, or that they are paying market leading rates etc etc - and have some numbers handy from payscale or glassdoor, or state you are moving only if the role pays a minimum of X - these are ways to avoid your previous salary being used as a benchmark to making a final offer. So you can openly tell what you current package is but making it very clear what you are looking for if you make the move. Also, during the applications process, make sure you ask up front what the role is likely to pay and state that you dont want to go through the process and waste their or your time if, in the end, they offer something that you wouldnt consider in the first place itself!All the best 3Ts