A few observations that I hope will be helpful:[list][*]The top business schools have very demanding entry standards. Most successful applicants will be high flyers from Oxbridge or will have got a first - or be exceptional in some other way - having been to another of the most highly regarded universities. A first from an OK university may simply not cut it. I would usually expect those in the running to study at a top business school to also interest the Big 4 (if not MBBB), so the fact that you aren't securing any interviews sounds alarm bells to me.[*]Unless there is a real sector-experience talent shortage, the larger consulting brands will always be more eager to hire someone who has prior consulting experience (than taking a chance on someone with the sector expertise but no track record in consulting). However, there are tons of small consulting firms in the market - and the bigger players usually seem very happy to take on people who've gained their consulting spurs at these smaller firms. Provided the assignments you've worked on and the client base you've served looks credible, the fact you've consulted with a small practice isn't a no-no. So I would second the suggestion that you look at joining a smaller firm as a route into a Big 4 type organisation longer term.[/list]If you need a list of smaller firms to target, suggest downloading our Definitive Guide To UK Consulting Firms if you don't have it already. It's free for download from:[url]http://news.top-consultant.com/guide_to_consulting_firms.aspx[/url]If you do decide to go down the MBA route - and find yourself choosing between schools a notch below INSEAD, LBS, etc. - then be rigourous in your research. Check with the careers services how many of each class in the last few years have joined a reputable consulting firm upon graduation; and which consulting firms present on campus / do something to actively target hires from that school. I encounter so many people who've done an MBA from a lowly school, with the expectation it'll open the doors to consulting for them. It's really disheartening to tell them their chances of success are negligible, but that's the reality. Any half decent careers service should be able to answer the questions above - or failing that, use LinkedIn to research where the alumni of particular schools typically end up. If it's not in the types of firms you'd aspire to joining then simply don't pursue that avenue.Hope this is helpful and good luck.Tony RestellFounder, [url]http://www.Top-Consultant.com[/url] and [url]http://www.Social-Hire.com[/url]