[i]I hope your "fortune" permits you to partake in sufficient out of work 'pleasures' to appropriately offset your obvious deep rooted professional frustrations and The Boredom that kicked off this dialogue.[/i] Yes it does, but the only thing that keeps me here is the pay really. If it weren't for the pay, I would have retired a long time ago. Whereas I'm not keen on the work, the pay just about makes up for it.[i]What does a partner earn these days?[/i] It varies by firm and whether you're an equity partner. At a reasonable sized practice, £300K is a good starting point. At some of the larger places, £700K is not uncommon.[i]And what's your work life balance like?[/i]Well I always look after the junior ones (they are our future) and insist that they leave the office by 6.00pm and don't do e-mails or work in the evening or at weekends. I always get out by 6.00pm. If something "comes up" I just say I have a client dinner to get to.