Hi All,I am currently 28 and graduated with a Masters in Mechanical Engineering in 2007. I moved straight into a job in defence aerospace and manoeuvred myself into a group that designed high altitude long endurance unmanned planes. I worked in that group for 2.5yrs as lead thermal engineer along with having a number of other taskings such as development of a camera system for the aircraft. During this time I was also an officer in the TA where my major achievement was building a new platoon in 6 Rifles from scratch.A year ago I was mobilised into regular service from my TA career. This entailed 6 months pre deployment training followed by a 6 month deployment to Afghanistan as an infantry company 'Intelligence and Influence Officer'. I had a small team that I developed including one member with more knowledge, within the intelligence field, than myself (a management challenge I can tell you).I have now returned to the UK after a hard and stressful tour and will be looking to start work again soon. A year and half ago I looked into a change in career realising that engineering may not be for me. My research into other suitable career paths led to Management Consultancy, I was partly made aware of this industry when McKinsey were contracted by the company I worked for. This change was delayed due to my mobilisation, I realised that changing to a new company prior to an immediate mobilisation might irritate them somewhat. My aim is to go back into engineering to complete my application for chartership before attempting a career change into Management Consultancy. I have also moved to London so well placed to join a firm in the city. I see the defence sector as a likely entry point with my aims to progress in organisational development and strategic planning.Is a change into management consultancy feasible? I understand that with chartered status this is more likely but what about without? What are my chances of avoiding entrance at the lowest level?Thanks in advance.Findlay