I have requested to be put on the waiting list, yes. I agree, Feb 2013 is a bit ridiculous, esp as I have already graduated. When I applied in August it said it was for March 2012 intake, and during the app process we received a spreadsheet saying that they needed loads of people to start immediately. You can imagine the look of horror on the faces of the 10 people at the assessment centre, all having left uni, when we were told that 2013 was the earliest!!Out of interest, did you study a science or maths background. Maybe those in tech consulting have a quant background, and thus could easily understand coding etc, whilst the management consultants tend to be arts/humanities grads. I did history so Im hoping thats the case.Not letting people know is a bit sneaky TBH. I'm sure they know that hoards of people would reject their offers if they were aligned to tech, so keep it secret until your committed.